Completed Service FormAre you done with a service? If yes, then you have come to the right place! Just fill out the information below and click “Submit” to send.Type of Service Completed:* Standard 603 Tech Measure603 Note Awesome! Please remember to also complete your 603 paperwork and send it in ASAP, thanks!Is an additional appointement needed?* Yes NoReason for additional appointment needed:Service Call ID or Job Number:*Found on the upper left hand section of the work order.Customer's Name:*Salesperson*Select SalespersonBradan BachBrady BergquistCraig HoffmannDan MullikinGreg SchonauerJohn BoutonMyron CuseyRoss AmundsonNot ListedService Technician:*Select Service TechnicianAlek FaileAnthony HodgeBert SommerBrayden HuusDale GeiserDan WackerJayme RowleyJeremie RosingJeremy NiesJosh MunsonJurrell ThompsonMichael JarlandMike MoenkedickNate BiedermanNathan VosNick DennyPat MulcahyRussell VanRadenRyan RossTod KringstadAdditional Service Technician:Date Service Completed:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Mileage One Way to Job Site:*Total Hours to Complete:*Does not include drive time.Type of Call:* Doors Windows Roofing Spa Siding Original Symptoms Causing This Service:*Actions Taken to Resolve This Service:*Material Used to Complete This Service:*Billable to:* Customer Original Job Vendor/Manufacturer Non-Billable (Charged to Western Products) ServiceVendor/Manufacturer Name:Original Job # if Known:Is This RbA Reimbursable? Yes NoAmount Billable to the Customer:Explanation for Billing:Receipts: Drop files here or Select filesMax. file size: 16 MB.Service Images: Drop files here or Select filesMax. file size: 16 MB.Submitted By:*Submitters Email Address:*EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 52333